News & Opinion

Multilateral agreement on international taxation in the age of digitalization

1. The agreement of the 136 jurisdictions consists of two distinct pillars. On the one hand, the Pillar that aims to tax the companies that benefit most from the digital economy with the purpose that taxes are levied where the economic activity is carried out and profits are earned, regardless of where the company is located (physical presence). Thus, if a company has economic activity in India and has profits there (minimum income of 1 million Euros or 250,000 in the case of developing countries), even if the company is physically or legally established in Great Britain or a low tax jurisdiction, India will be able to charge income taxes on those profits.

The Costa Rica Free Trade Zone Regime: A success story

The Free Trade Zone Regime (FTZ) in Costa Rica is the main incentive regime for attracting foreign direct investment and has been a success story since its inception and through successive modifications, adopted to respond more adequately to the reality of the international environment.

Covid 19 in Costa Rica

Eighteen months after a pandemic that we all thought would last less, it is time to at least review what we are doing internally on the Covid-19 issue.

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San José

  • Phone: 506 2201 3800
  • Address: Plaza Roble, Edificio Los Balcones, 4th. Floor, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica.


  • Phone: 506 2225 4516
  • Address: Tamarindo Corporate Center, Office #5, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.